
Sunday, December 31, 2006
No suprises
But people love it. It's a fresh start, a time to begin new things and forget the old ways. New years resolutions and new begginings left right and centre. I'll stop smoking/drinking/swearing or whatever else it is. People want a new start, they want to forget whats gone before. Thats why people get so excited about new years i guess, because they can wipe away all the old stuff that they don't like, and try and pretend that this year, this time, will be different. People want to be reborn, every year.
But we can't do that ourselves. We can't give ourselves a fresh start, we can't do anything ourselves to change ourselves. Nicorette isn't going to stop you from smoking...because the problem is in your mind, in your craving for fulfillment and satisfaction, not in the nicotene or the cigarette itself. The problem is in you. And yet Jesus says that to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, to enter eternal conscience joy in the presence of God, we must be born again. We must start again totally. Not in a 'now its 2007' sense, because we're still who we are. But in the sense that our whole lives must start again. And looking at the early part of John 3, you can understand Nicodemus' confusion. How can a man re-enter his mother's womb, as Jesus teaches is neccesary?
Nicodemus didn't understand these things, and he was a wiser man than most. One must be born of water and the spirit to inherit eternal life. How? Jesus tells him that just as Moses lifted up a snake in the desert, and whoever looked at the snake would be saved from God's punishment, so He must be lifted up, that whoever believes might have eternal life. New life. A real fresh start. From Jesus, who was slain that we might bring glory to the Father by enjoying Him forever in Heaven. God is the gospel.
Thats the way to a fresh start that won't fade on January 2nd. This is what it means to be re-born, to have faith in Jesus death and ressurection on the cross. To trust in the God is supreme over all things, and to have and spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ. Thats what i hope 2007 will bring me. So happy new year. You need Jesus.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Album of the year

I think Brand New are a tremendous band, and this album, their third, could be there 'breakthrough' album. This record is a real progression from 2004s 'Deja Entendu' which was tremendous, and 2001s 'your favourite weapon', which i really like, but isn't anywhere near as good as the latter two. Emo is a much maligned genre, and sometimes rightly so, but when done right, as these guys show, it can be a beautiful thing. If anything marked Brand New's last album it was the distinctive style of the vocals and the fine balance between loud and quiet. If anything on this album the balance is even finer, but works even better. Brand New are also known for their personal lyrics, and thats another thing that makes this album stand out. Thier first album told the story of a break up ('have another drink and drive yourself home/i hope there's ice on all the roads) their second about the tedium of life on the road ('i would kill for the atlantic/ but i am paid to make girls panic whilst i sing) and this one about the decline and recovery of singer Jesse Lacey into and out of alcholism ('i used to be the glue that held my friends together'). Brand New's music has meant a lot to me over the last few years, and this album promises to be no different. Stand out tracks for me are 'Sowing Season (yeah)' and 'Degausser' both of which capture and make great use of the loud/quiet dynamic that i like so much.
Here are some of my other favourites from 2006.
In The Fishtank-14: Isis/Aerogramme
From Under The Cork Tree: Fall Out Boy
A Fever You Can't Sweat Out: Panic! At the disco
Saturday Night Wrist: Deftones
The Back Room: Editors
Wilderness Is Paradise Now: Morning Runner
Happy Hollow: Cursive
The Sound of Girls Aloud: Girls Aloud
Stop The Clocks: Oasis
John says:
- Tested By Fire, John Piper, P167
Sunday, December 24, 2006
alone and done
All of us have a theology, all of us are theologians at one level. We all have a view on who, what and whether God is. Dawkins, despite what he might tell you, could be described as one of 2006 most prominant theologians. The problem is his theology is rubbish. The study of theology should be about filling our hearts and minds with a bigger, more glorious view of the risen Christ. It shiuld be about opening our eyes to the glories that He has made manifest. I know the word or idea 'theology' conjures up images of dusty books and boring days in some people's mind, but thats very sad. Theology tells us abiut God. Theology tells us about how He wants to be worshipped. It's great to read books about things like church-planting, biographies, i'm doing both right now (currently i want to go and plant a church a whole heap. But i also know that when i finish this and pick up 'Let the nations be glad' Bish will have to employ a team of heavies to stop me leaving Guildford and getting the next flight to the 20/40 window), but if you're not learning about Jesus, how are you actually growing as a Christian? The study of theology can open up the Bible to us, and invigorate our quiet times. I've loved the oppotunity to spend four hours with Wayne Grudem each week this term on Relay as part of my core study module studying systematic theology. I'm even more excited that next term i'll be doing Biblical theology as well for my elective module. I do love the books. I want to learn good theology so i can know about my Savior, so i can enjoy Him more, so i can live and speak for Him more effectively. Theology: get involved.
All of life is hermeneutics
Hermeneutics, as i understand it is the science of applying what the Bible says. If thats not that case then everything i'm about to write is semantical nonsense, but thats never stopped me before. The more we read the Bible, the more our minds are saturated and changed by what it says. There are so many voices today that clamour for our attention. We need to shut them out and listen to the Bible. Then we need to apply what the Bible says to our horizontal and vertical relationships...to our lives. It sounds simple at least. If we read the Bible with a man centred hermeneutic, we'll always be putting ourselves in the place of Moses or Soloman or Paul or even Jesus, and the whole thing will be whack. If we read the Bible with a God glory centred hermeneutic, then hopefully we will live that way. We will joyfully take up our cross and follow Him, we will willingly leave what we have behind. Read the Bible more, think about it more, apply it more. (i am talking to myself here!)
Also, here are some things you should read:
Bish responds to rumours
Piper talks about salvation
Thursday, December 21, 2006
war and peace
These early statements of faith were formed by way of response to a growing number of heresies in the early church. On the one hand this heresy was probably sadly to be expected. The Christian message about God stepping into human space time history and being killed and then rising again is, literally, incredible. And as the church grew quicker than teachers could be trained people started to re model aspects of the Christian faith, particulaly with regard to either the humanity or divinity of Christ. Both clearly serious problems. And so the earliest statements of faith, the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed were drawn up by way of defending historic, Biblical Christianity from attack and heresy.
Which brings us to Athansius. He spent most of his life after the institution of the Council of Nicaea defending it. He was outcast by most of the church who didn't accept the creed, and spent day after day, month after month, year after year, being worn down by his enemies for the sake of Gospel truth. I wonder if there are men like that around today, who would hold their lives cheaply for the sake of truth. I wonder how many would stick at it for two years, five years, ten years, before giving up. The thing that fascinates me and inspires me the most about this period of church division is how much of it seems, on the face of it at least, to be a question of semantics. Two words were in question and opposition to eachother were 'homoousious' meaning of the same substance, and homoiousious meaning of similar substance. Just to confuse the issue there was a third word 'homoios' meaning of like substance that was also thrown into the mix. Athanasius spent this time of his life fighting to defend the Biblical teaching that the Son was of the same substance as the Father, not of simialar or like substance, the same. Imagine if that debate was going on today, how many liberalists would complain about the debate, probably saying that the debate was only over a single letter, and 'wouldn't it be better if we all just tried to get along'. It is never better to try and 'get along' with a teaching that clearly denies the teaching of the Bible. Never. We must love the people but utterly, utterly reject their teaching.
Schaeffer says that if we are not fighting the battles of our generation we are no good as a soldier of Christ. That is to say that if people were still fighting the battles today that were won in the last generation then they are wasting their time. It seems to me that the battles that will need fighting by my generation come from inside and outside the church. Postmodern attacks on the authority and reliability of scripture from outside, and liberal attacks on penal substitution from inside. I will shamelessly quote Mark Driscoll on both these counts. He says that 'the Bible, the 66 books is the first hill to die on'. That is we must also contend and fight for the truth of the Bible. For what the Bible teaches about ourselves. Always contend and never contextualise here. 'Propitiation...is the best part of the Bible', is another one of my favourites of his. And he's right. We, who were once vessels of wrath are now children of God. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because He soaked up all the wrath of God on the cross. It's all gone. If the wrath of God was not satisfied in the death of His Son on the cross, where and when will it be satisfied. Unless you worship a less-than-holy 'god' who doesn't love justice. Who isn't just. Thats no sort of God at all. Increasingly the western church is becoming a wrathless church, both in teaching and in worship, but the problem exists in the church, not in God.
All of which brings us back to statements of faith. (actually i'm not sure it does, but lets pretend). The problems CU's in Exeter and Birmingham are facing are down to their insistence that their leaders and teachers sign the Doctinal Basis, a statement of faith. I'll make no pretence here of impartiality. I love the DB and what it stands for. I'd happily sign it every day if i needed to. But isn't it just a bit divisive and exclusive? Well, yes and no. It is exclusive in that it excludes people who don't want to stand by the historic evangelical truths. Is it divisive? Not a bit of it. It's neccesary to protect the integrity and vision of CUs across the country. Signing the DB is a matter for rejoicing. Rejoicing in the great truth of the God is who holy, who loves us and who gave Himself for us. Who made a way back to Himself without compromising either Him or us. It's wonderful to be able to write my name at the bottom of that statement, and i thank God that i can.
Francis says:
1) A regular study of the Bible, which is God's communication to us.
2) Regular prayer. Now that our guilt has been removed there is no barrier between us and Him and we are bale to talk freely with Him. There are two kinds of praying we need to practise; special times of prayer, and that constant looking to the Lord as we go about our daily tasks.
3) Talking to others about the God who exists and and His solutions to Man's dilemma
4) Regular attendance at a church where the Bible is believed. This does not mean every church, but one that is true to the content of the Bible.
Francis Schaeffer, The God who is there, P 136
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Carol Service
It's great to sing carols when you know them and really believe what they're saying. Singing 'born that man no more may die' at the top of your voice really brings it home. The number of times i must've sung carols before i got saved and not had a clue to awesome truth i was hearing is really weird to think about. Mostly this year i've sung carols which really communicate the Gospel, and thats often something that really doesn't get sung enough...the actual Gospel, so its nice to do so!
They're great for getting people to come to church. Most people, whatever their views on Christianity like to sing carols, and don't mind coming. And the fact that at all the carol services i've been to people have heard the Gospel at is cool. Dan Hames eorked out that something like 30,000 students will hear/have heard the gospel over the end of term at Carol services, and thats really exciting and encouraging!
So Carol Services, when the Gospel get's preached and people invite their friends and the Gospel is sung are really cool. I like them...
Tomorrow me and Delano hit the road again headed ofr Team Days in Southampton. The last of the year. I'm really looking forward to them. See you next week.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
You're gunna be the one that saves me
Went to see this with Jess and Ceryn in Chichester yesterday. Hmm. Maybe it's just because i'm reading about this stuff at the moment but this struck me as a typical post modern film. There's no antithesis to it, no real good in it. Only the protagonist comes out with any real credit, but even that doesn't really get anywhere. It does raise the question of whether it's better to by miserable in the real world or happy in a fantasy i guess. But go and see it if (one) moment of extreme violence and fantasy don't lead you into sin. Ps, it's in spanish.
Love you but you're green
Funny the things you think about sometimes. I remember being at a party, it must have been shortly (very shortly) before i was saved. At least going by my conduct i hope it was. I'm glad i'm not that dude anymore, that i don't try and persuade people to unlock doors for the same reasons i did then. This is good. And sometimes its good to remember. Wonder what you're doing now/hope you're feeling happy now.
She stalks she stalks
So Screech has decided to kill his blog. No stamina these newbies. Still fair play for having the integrity and strength to do it man. And for letting us know, unlike some... BBBT(r)BB anyone?
More Don than John.
I popped into Wesley Owen in Guildford this morning...
a depressing experience i don't want to linger any more on.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
i said maybe...
yeh, blogeverything... here's my script from Chichester College carol service this afternoon. as always its not totally what i said, but mostly...
So why is Christmas so important? Why do Christians keep talking about Jesus? This man whose birth we celebrate at Christmas? What’s so special about this man, who was born, literally in those days, in the middle of nowhere, over 2000 years ago, that means shortly the whole country will close down for a week? Why do we have Christmas at all? What is it that Jesus came to achieve when He was born? I wonder what it was that bought you to this service today. What do you think about the relevance of Jesus to Christmas and beyond?
Well let’s have a look at what a bit of the Bible says about Jesus. The part we’re going to look at is a letter from Paul, whose letters make up a lot of the New Testament, to a guy called Titus, who was the leader of a church on
Paul says ‘The grace of God appeared’. What does that mean? Why does Paul say that rather than ‘a child is born’ as it says elsewhere in the Bible. Well Paul is here talking about Jesus mission. What the point and end of Jesus birth was. Why is Jesus birth linked with grace appearing? The grace of God sums up all His actions on our behalf. But grace appeared, isn’t that a funny thing to say? Isn’t that a weird description? It says in John
Jesus birth meant that the grace of God would explode over the people that love Him, and are saved by faith. God sent His Son, Jesus, who had been with Him in perfect relationship for an eternity past, even before creation, when all that existed was the Father, Son and Holy Spirit worshipping and loving each other, in the form of a man, to live and to work like any other man. To feel exactly what men felt, to be tired, to be tempted, to be overcome with grief. This was the grace of God appearing. Jesus birth means more than a reason to have a party in winter, it means more than a reason to take some time off work. Paul present’s Jesus birth here as one of eternal significance. This is not an opinion we see reflected in the world today is it? Something like 90% of all Christmas cards bare no relation at all to any sort of Christianity, pretty much every light you see, every decoration on the outside of people’s houses depicts father Christmas, or reindeer, or something else patently unbiblical. Christmas has lost its entire meaning. Christmas is about the grace of God appearing in Jesus Christ. It’s about the way God stepped into human history, at a time, in a place, to…well to do what? What happened to this baby? Did He grow up? Isn’t Easter something to do with Jesus as well?
Well, lets have a look at the second part of this verse ‘bringing salvation for all people’. Again, Paul is suggesting that this birth is more than it seems. This baby, this man, bought salvation to all mankind. How? This one little verse sweeps us across Jesus entire life in one breath. ‘Grace appeared’ meaning, He was born…’bringing salvation’, meaning He died. But it’s not just that Jesus died, because eventually He was bound to die. What if I was to tell you that the God I worship, the God I want to live my life for, was executed in the most brutal way known to man? That He was killed alongside criminals, and instead of a murderer? What if I was to tell you that far from being a mistake, the Bible teaches that this was the plan all along, that to be killed was the reason that Jesus was born? Jesus, this baby whose birth we celebrate at Christmas, was crucified 33 years later. He was arrested, tried and executed. And yet, His trial was a sham. No one who accused Him could get their stories straight. Pilate, the Roman who was in charge of the trial, couldn’t find anything to convict Him of, and tried to set Him free. His friends, those who had lived and followed Him for three years said that He had never sinned, never broken any law, certainly never done anything that would deserve this kind of punishment. So why did this perfect man, this God-man die on a cross? To bring salvation for all people, is what this verse says. When He died, it wasn’t the physical torment that killed Him, the Bible records that He died too quickly for that…it was God’s anger against Him. On the cross a great exchange took place. All the things I’ve ever done that cause God anger, all the things you’ve ever done that cause God anger, were all put onto Jesus, and He was punished instead of us. He bore the penalty for our sins against God, which is death. This is How He bought salvation for all mankind. By clearing the way back to God so that we can be in relationship with Him, so that whoever believes in what Jesus has done for us would be able to enjoy Heaven with God forever. How can we trust this? Because the Bible records that Jesus didn’t only die, but that He came back to life three days later, just as He claimed, showing His authority over death. That’s why Jesus was born, that’s why He died, so that we might be able, if we believe, to have the perfect relationship with God that we were made for, but we’d never be able to have because of our sin.
So, the Bible teaches that Christmas is more than just about a baby being born in a manger. Faith in Jesus is not just an optional extra, it’s a matter of life or death. The Bible teaches that the events that we celebrate at Christmas are of eternal and absolute significance. What we do with them, what we believe about them really matters. There is nothing more important in life than the question of the identity of Jesus, and what our response to Him is going to be. I want to leave you with a challenge now. Either you can ignore what I’ve been talking about and have Christmas as something warm and lovely, turkey, stuffing, father Christmas, reindeer, but ultimately totally devoid of meaning, or, you can celebrate Christmas for real. As the time when God stepped into human history, to rescue us, to save us to give us life. That is what we should be celebrating at Christmas, that Almighty God laid aside all His glory to be born, to live and die, to save you and me…
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Grace (grace grace grace)
What is it that keeps me from sinning in the same way, or in a worse way than Ted did? What is it that keeps me from drug abuse and paying for sex? It's nothing in me i promise you. All my lust wants to be adultery, all my anger wants to be murder, if i liked the taste of alchohol, i'd want to be an addict. It's just grace that keeps me from these things. The blood of Christ shed for me on the cross keeps me from being totally and utterly depraved. And i know that the doctrine of total depravity means that we're all depraved and not that we're all as bad as we could be, but if it wasn't for grace, and salvation, i would be as bad as i could be. I know that.
And it's not just that i do bad things. I am bad. My heart wants to rebel against God. Large, although, thankfully decreasing, parts of me don't want to be faithful, don't want to read the Bible or pray, don't want to serve UniSCU or the people in it. Now large parts of me do, and find great joy in doing all those things, but those parts are there because of grace. It's all of grace, and its none of me. And realising that is humbling and liberating. Humbling because it means i lose my 'right' to sneer at those who fall, and because it brings to my knees before the Lord. And liberating because it's all about Jesus. The grace that saved me will keep me to the end. I know that, and i know God. And know those things liberates me from fear and worry...and from sin. It's the power to say no, it's the strength to fight when all thats in my wants to rebel.
It's all about grace, and it's all about Jesus. And thats great.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Tim says
Sunday, December 10, 2006
The lion king
The scene opens with John seeing a scroll in the hand of the One seated on the throne. This scroll obviously contains something of great importance, whether its details of God's great historical redemption plan, or the names of those who are saved, there is obviously some pretty sensitive information in it. And who is worthy to open it and look inside? Who is worthy to complete God's great plan? Who is worthy to look inside the scrolls and judge humanity? Who, cries the angel...
There is no one. No one on heaven and earth who is worthy to open the scrolls. And John begins to weep. What an idictment of people that no one, ever, it seems across the ages has been able to live a life pleasing to God. No one can stand before God's throne. No one. And John begins to weep. God's plans seem thwarted. It seems there will be no protection for the church, no end to the suffering of God's people, no final justice in the world. The scroll can not be opened. And to John this must seem a whole lot worse. Where is Jesus he must be wondering...where is the Savior to come and save the day? Where is my Lord in all of this.
And then the angel says to him, 'weep no more, behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah...has conquered, so that He can open the scrolls'. John looks to His savior, the Lion of Judah, the Root of David, God made flesh, the Son of the Living God, the risen Christ. And what does He see? 'A lamb standing as if it had been slain.' And He took the scroll and He was worshiped. The Kingdom of God is an upside down kingdom, where the centrepiece, the Lord, the Judge is a lamb who was slain. The lion and the lamb. And why is this? Because Jesus is the ultimate passover lamb. Both priest and sacrifice, both condemner and condemned. Jesus can judge because He was slain, because He died under the weight of my sin, because on Him God poured out all the wrath and indignation that our sin deserves. And Jesus hung there until He died. God demands blood for our sins. He demands justice. And lambs couldn't it...so Jesus, the only perfect man, fully God and fully man did, that we may join with the Elders in Revelation 5 and cry:
for you were slain and by your blood you ransomed people for God'
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
From the old...

Hello Delano*:

I wonder what we'll do together...i hope its mostly Gospel stuff.
*tsk, you really shouldn't need a clue
Monday, December 04, 2006
It matters
Why do set our clocks by Jesus, why do we still pay attention to Him thousands of years after He died? Why do we still think He's so important? Well lets look at Him now, what He said and did and how people reacted to it. The passage we are looking at is in the acount that John gives of Jesus' life. It occurs about 1/3 of the way though as talk about Jesus starts to spread. A couple of chapters before hand we see that people who have been following Jesus have decided to leave Him because they find His teaching hard to deal with. His disciples however realise that there is really nowhere else to go apart from Jesus and His teaching. So this conversation takes place in that context. Jesus has been teaching for a while, He's been upsetting some people with the directness of His teaching, and He'll continue to upset people, as we'll see.
This passage starts with Jesus talking to 'the Jews who believed in Him' (v31), He tells them that the truth will set them free, and that brings about the first objection that the Jews have. In the face of Jesus they fall back on their religious heritage, on Abraham, to say that they have never been slaves of anyone and therefore do not need freeing from anyone. The Jews here have missed the point of what Jesus is saying, and we'll come back to that, but i think this is still an example what i think John is saying. It doesn't matter about your heritage, it doesn't matter about where you've come from. It didn't matter whether or not the Jews had Abraham as their father, as they obviously did ethinically...what matters is who Jesus is. Its only Jesus who can set your free, as He claims in verse 36. Real freedom from sin comes from Jesus, not from anywhere else. In verses 37-38 Jesus tackles the issue of the Jews heritage, which they are claiming as their route to freedom, which they are relying on instead of Jesus. Jesus dismisses their claims...if they were the offspring of Abraham, Jesus's words would find a place in them, and they don't.
Jesus then starts to take them to task over their claims to be Abrahams children. Claiming someone as your father in the time that John was writing into basically meant that you were claiming to do what they did. Whcih is why Jesus claiming to be the 'Son of God' caused such anger amongst the Jews...he was claiming equality with God. He was claiming that He could do the things that God did. This is why Jesus says 'if Abraham was your father, you would do the things that he did', because thats what the father son relationship was like when John was writing. John records this to show the difference between what the Jews were claiming, and what the truth actually was. They claimed Abraham as their father. Jesus told them that is this was the case they would do the things that Abraham did. But instead, they try to kill Him (verse 40). The Jews then up the ante when it comes to claiming religious heritage, when they claim God as their father in verse 41. Jesus also dimisses that. If they were to do as God did, they would do the things that God did. They would love Jesus.And they don't. Why is this? Jesus says it is because they are of their father, the Devil...they do the same things that the devil does...they have nothing to do with truth. Note here that John makes it clear though recording Jesus' teachings that there is no 'neutral pot' into which people fall. We are all either children of Abraham and thus God, or of the Devil. God sent Jesus, so Jesus claims, and why do people not recieve Him? Because they can not bare to hear the truth of the teaching that Jesus brings. The Jews wanted to hide behind their heritage, we want to hide behind anything we can. Behind our deeds, our parents...behind even ignoring the problem and saying God doesn't exist. The problem is God exists whether you believe in Him or not. It's not up to us to construct reality. And Jesus says that the truth wil set you free. He claims that knowing the truth about Him will set you free from slavery to sin, it will set you free from anything that binds you, from fear or self doubt. Jesus says that He has the power to do that. The truth will set you free He says. Isn't that a wonderful promise, that we can be set free from things that we hate doing. It says that those whom Jesus has set free will be free indeed, that those people will move from the status of slave, who will one day be kicked out of the house, to the status of son, who will live in the house forever. What a wonderful promise Jesus gives there. But, also, what an outrageous thing to claim. That people can be free by belieiving in a person, not by doing things themselves, or by changing anything in themselves. Jesus claims that if you know Him, then you will know the truth, and this will set you free. This is what it matters about our response to Jesus. Because He makes claims like this. Because if He's right then there is everything to lose by ignoring Him, and everything to gain by following Him. Jesus offers freedom to His listeners, and to us. Not by doing something, or by changing something, but by believing in Him. Just by faith in Him. By faith. So by accepting and living by what Jesus says, by letting that faith make the change rather than the other way around. In Him. By looking to Jesus. 2 Corinthians 3:18 tells us that the more we get to know Jesus, the more we see Him for who He is, the more we'll be changed to be like Him. Jesus Christ is here being presented by John as the centrepoint of the Christian life, as the absolute apex of life itself and of relationship with God. Christianity is all about Jesus, much more than any of us can appreciate. So we need to know what we believe about Him, and who he is. It matters! So where are we in our narative? Jesus is teaching and claiming to be God, and the Jews listening to Him are ignoring Him and relying on their heritage, on anything, rather than Jesus? Why does John record this?
To show that it matters what our personal response to Jesus is...There is no other reason to have assurance of our standing with God. None. The people Jesus was talking to initially thought they could rely on their Jewish heritage...on the simple fact that they were Jews. That wasn't the case as Jesus showed them. If they were really descended from Abraham then they would have done what Abraham did, and accepted Jesus. In the next section we see that Abraham 'rejoiced to see Jesus' day'. That certainly wasn't what the Jews that John talks about here were doing. But you might be thinking, so what? I'm not a Christian, but neither am i relying on Abraham or my heritage for my standing with God. Well, no, you're probably not. But if not Jesus, what are you relying on? Your good works? How can anyone be good enough, when Jesus is the standard we need to attain? Even His enemies couldn't get their stories straight at the mockery of a trial they put Jesus through before He was crucified. Those who knew Him said there was no sin in Him. Is that something you can honestly say for yourself? Our own, personal, repsonse to Jesus matters. Nothing else will mean that we are truly His disciples...nothing else will mean that His word finds a place in us, nothing else will set us free from the power and penalty of sin. This is what we need more than anything else, freedom from the penalty with sin...and thats only going to happen through a relationship with Jesus. It matters who we say Jesus is.
And so it matters who Jesus is. Everyone thinks they have an idea of who Jesus is. Everyone eithers think He didn't exist, which is historically deeply unsound, or He was just a good teacher, or a prophet, or they don't know who He was, but they also don't really see that it matters. But what did Jesus say about Himself? Verse 48 shows how wrong the Jews have got it. First of all they call Him a samaritan, which they know not to be true, and that has an air of grasping at straws to try and write Him off. Next they accuse Him of having a demon, another attempt to find a reason to discredit him and ignore this teaching that has seemingly so unsettled His Jewish audience. Jesus' response is staggering. Far from going on the defensive, He actually ups the ante even more, and calls God His Father, therefore, as i said earlier putting Himself on a level with God, He said that He seeks the glory of God, the Judge. He says that if anyone keeps His word, then that person will never see death. Now these statements are in some ways quite famailiar to our ears...but that shouldn't detract from the shock that these words should bring. Jesus is claiming authority over death. If i came up to you and said 'hi, i'm ed, if you trust me you will never die'...if i as good as claimed to have authority over death as Jesus is here, you wouldn't think to yourself 'oh there goes Ed, he's a good moral teacher, he's a decent bloke, would you? You'd want me locking up! You'd certainly want to see if there was anything i could do to back up these claims. The Jews are appaled by this last statement of Jesus and this time they think they've got Him. They tell Him that Abraham, the man on whom Jesus' last assult on Jewish heritage pride was based upon. Abraham died and the prophets died. So, they ask, is Jesus claiming to be greater than them? Who is Jesus claiming to be? Literally, who does He think He is? Jesus says the Abraham rejoiced to see His day. He claims to have been around before Abraham was...and as the people He's talking to rightly point out He's not even fifty, how can He say that. And that questions bring us to the biggest claim of all that John records. 'before Abraham was...I AM'. This may seem to us just to be a case of poor grammar, but His original listeners, and the original readers would have known exactly what Jesus was saying, and exactly why John recorded it. When God speaks outside of the Garden of Eden he reveals Himself by saying 'i am who i am'. Thats what He says to Moses when he asks 'who shall i say sent me' God says 'say I AM sent you'. And this is what Jesus is claiming part of here. He goes back to Abraham, who was before Moses, and says, even before Abraham i was there and i was God. And it's interesting to see the Jews reaction to what Jesus says here. Many people say that 'Jesus never actually claimed to be God', and to an extent thats true, Jesus never actually said the words 'i am God, worship me', but here He is doing as good as. And we can see that thats certainly what His Jewish audience thought, because they started to try and stone Him before He got away. Jesus here claims to be God in the eyes and ears of the original readers and listeners. This is the conclusion of the discussion He has been having here. This is why Jesus can claim that believing in Him can set people free from sin. This is why Jesus can claim that He has authority over death, this is why Jesus can say that someone who lived thousands of years before He did rejoiced to see His day. Because ultimately Jesus is claiming to be God. This is why it matters who Jesus is. We saw in the last section that it matters who we say Jesus is, that nothing will give us the assurance, the fact of life and freedom that Jesus does. Nothing. So because of those claims it matters who Jesus is. It matters more than anything else matters in the world. The biggest problem we face in the world today isn't famine or war or anything like that...it's sin, it's our separation from God...so the most important question we face is how to dal with those problems. And Jesus claims to have the answer to all these questions, so its important that we consider what Jesus says about Himself and whether we can trust it.
So how can Jesus make these claims? How can we trust them? All the way through His life, and all the way through this conversation, Jesus knows how He will die. He knows how He will be able to set people free from sin and death. He knew it was because he would die to bring about this freedom in people's lives. Jesus knew that He was going to have His life ended on a cross, where He would die under the weight of the Father's wrath at my sin and your sin. That's where Jesus was heading, and He knew that. He also knew that three days after He was buried, He would rise again...He would come back to life. And thats how we can investigate what He says, as to whether His actions meet up with His words...and they definately do. And this is what i think John is trying to communicate when he records this. He wants us to know, to see, to remember that it is important who we say Jesus is, and who Jesus is. Jesus is the one who offers and guarentees freedom from slavery, and freedom from sin...freedom from death! Jesus offers eternal life. Is that not what He says in verse 51 'whoever keeps my word will never see death'? Whoever listens to and obeys Jesus will never see death. Jesus is offering eternal life! This is an amzing thing for someone who was just a man. But then, as we saw in the next passage, Jesus was far from being just a man. John shows Jesus as someone who demands a response to His teaching, to who He is. As someone who demands a response. As someone who claims equity with God. As someone who can deliver us freedom. So it really, really matters who Jesus is and it really really matters what our response to that is.
Oh! For a thousand tongues
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps,
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps:
His day is marching on.
I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
"As ye deal with my condemners, so with you my grace shall deal;
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with His heel,
Since God is marching on."
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat:
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.
He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
He is Wisdom to the mighty, He is Succour to the brave,
So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of Time His slave,
Our God is marching on.
I saw one hanging on a tree
In agony and blood
Who fixed His loving eyes on me
As near His cross I stood
And never till my dying breath
Will I forget that look
It seemed to charge me with His death
Though not a word He spoke
My conscience felt and owned the guilt
And plunged me in despair
I saw my sins His blood had spilt
And helped to nail Him there
But with a second look He said
“I freely all forgive
this blood is for your ransom paid
I died that you might live”
Forever etched upon my mind
Is the look of Him who died
The Lamb I crucified
And now my life will sing the praise
Of pure atoning grace
That looked on me and gladly
took my place
Thus while His death my sin displays
For all the world to view
Such is the mystery of grace
It seals my pardon too
With pleasing grief and mournful joy
My spirit now is filled
That I should such a life destroy
Yet live by Him I killed
The all sufficiency of Christ (3)
Christ's penal substitutionary death on the cross achieved many, many, many great things. Everything good we see in the world in fact. Every lovely sunset, every good moment with our friends, every answered prayer, every spiritual blessing...it all comes from the cross. Jesus' work was all satusfying, all encompassing, and all sufficient.
Man to man.
Christ was born that 'man no more may die', as the carol goes. He was born to conquer the ultimate weapon of the devil, the ultimate prison in which we dwell on the cross. Born to give us freedom. More of that soon, but He died that we would know Him. There are no foothills around Calvary, as someone wise once said (It might have been John Stott), no hierachy around the cross. Just the earth, where the blood of the Lord dripped, and the cross, from where it came. And thats it. My parents live next door to a fairly typical small parish CofE church, it's normally fairly pretty inside, without being ostentatious, but on Good Friday they strip it bare of all that makes it pretty, and prop a cross up on the steps that lead to the choir stalls. And there lays the cross, all alone, until sunday. There is nothing around the cross, there is nothing that gets us closer to it, apart from the mercy of Christ. And this, this great distance that God has from us, this all powerful work should reconcile man to man.
Why are people divided? By ambition? Ambition for a better job or a nicer car looks pretty outrageous when compared with Christ, dieing under the weight of my sins. By jealousy? Wanting what someone else has is foolish when you have every spritual blessing in Christ. By fear? If people knew the Lord there would be nothing to fear, His plan would run their lives...there would be no need to kill, or maim or frustrate. Christ has liberated believers from fear. Luther says that each of us carry the nails that went through the Lord's hands in our pockets. Most days i hear them clinking together as i sin in thought and word and deed. The days when i don't are simply the days where i am drowing in my sin. All of us...all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The end. All of us, all of us are saved by grace through faith so that no one may boast. The end. Are we divided by hatred? In Christ there is no male or female, jew or greek slave or free. The Arsenal fan and the Spurs fan can crowd around eachothers phones trying to find out the derby score, the Englishman and the Aussie can worship together on Christmas day before going to the MCG the next day. There is no division. “The cross unites believers, it gives us fellowship, family, peace...all that good stuff. It destroys all the things that provoke disunity between men like pride, jealousy and anger. It humbles us, and brings us together in praise.”
Man to God.
This is what makes the good news good. We were made to live in the enjoyment and glory of a perfect relationship with God. And we sin, and we break that relationship. It's gone, ot's over, and we are born into it. Slaves to sin. But here's the good bit. That Jesus Christ came to die and put to death all the things that get in the way of us and God. That stop us being in relatioship with the Father. This is what the cross achieved, this is the apex of the work of Christ, that He restored our relationship with the Father. John Piper puts it like this:
'the critical question for this and every generation is this. If you could have Heaven, with no pain or suffereing, and with all your friends, and all the leisure activities you like to persue, and all the good food you ever ate, but no Christ...would you be happy? Would you be happy in Heaven if Christ wasn't there?' The answer, is no. No one would be happy in a 'Heaven' without Christ, because in Christ is all blessings and joy and comfort and peace we ever ever have. No Christ, no God, means none of those things. The cross satisfied the wrath of God so that He can bear our presence, and we will not be burned up like leaves in the bonfire in His presence. Thats pretty good news. And now we have Heaven to look forward to, in perfect, joyful, worshipful relationship with God. All because of Christ on the cross. How the cross shines like a diamond, how it gleams with the glory of being the centre of redemtive history, how it calls us, entices us...'repent and believe, repent and believe...'
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
- In India there are 4.635 distinct people groups.
- There are 205 people groups that number over 10,000 people that are still totally unreached
- In the North India Ganges plan reside the greatest mass of unreached people in the world. 360,000,000 people, with only 120,000 active Christians among them.
- 26% of the urban population live in slums. There are 41,000,000 Indians without a home.
- The Brahmin cast number around 40,000,000, with as few as 18,000 professing Christians among them.
Also, i like it when i am thinking something and someone else blogs it for me instead. Go read, i could not agree more.
Monday, November 27, 2006
The Ashes according to Facebook
The aussies can shut up - it's the flattest pitch anyone's ever seen, and they let Giles get away with an economy of under 3 and even let him get a wicket.
Day 2: Australia 602-9dec, England 53-3
I hate them all, every last one.
Day 3: You don't want to know
Day 4: Positives - Ponting injured
Collingwood and Pietersen restore pride
Negatives - we're still gonna get tonked
Day 5: Unsurprising, but remember we were 1-0 down last time, and in 1954, we recovered from an innings defeat in the first test, with fast-bowler Tyson spraying it everywhere, to win 4-1. anyone else got any straws they want to throw into the mixer?
stolen mostly from the 'Ashes 2006/07' Facebook group.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
The all sufficiency of Christ (2)
Christ's penal substitutionary death on the cross achieved many, many, many great things. Everything good we see in the world in fact. Every lovely sunset, every good moment with our friends, every answered prayer, every spiritual blessing...it all comes from the cross. Jesus' work was all satusfying, all encompassing, and all sufficient.
Christ's death on the cross provided a substitute for us in two ways, one of which is controversial, one of which is probably less so. Both of them are hugely important and fantastic news. In both of them Christ has become the once for all, final, satisfying substitute for us, in a way that lambs and goats never could be. Two of my favourite verses, both written by John describe Jesus put Him in these terms. He is 'the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world' and 'the Lamb, looking like he had been slain'. Throughout the Old Testament, from the time when Abraham was told to sacrifice Isaac, sheep and goats have been used as a sacrifice to God for human sin. Animals are killed, blood is shed and the sin is dealt with. But it leaves the question, what sort of God is happy with the blood of an animal to deal with the sins of people? What sort of God thinks of animals as a decent substitution for people? Surely there must be another plan, a better way?
In Leviticus 16:21, Aaron is told to lay his hands on the live goat, confess on it all the sins and iniquities of Israel and send it off into the wilderness to die. This goat them symbolically carries the sin of Israel against God far away from it. This animal had sins laid onto it, it is deserted and then goes off and dies. The cross, as Liam Goligher says, is Jesus fulfilling this picture and experiencing that abandonment. God is removing the problem of our sin by Jesus taking it out of sight. And because of this God will never again feel wrath for us, or punish us for our sins. They have been removed from us. God is now working all things together for the good of those who love Him. Our sin has been removed. It had to be done by a perfect, humna sacrifice, not by an animal. What sort of substitute is a goat for a man? This is why Jesus' deity and virgin birth are so important. No virgin birth means that Jesus is born into the line of Adam and therefore, like us all, imputed with his sin. No deity means that Jesus is incapable of living a sinless life, and therefore not a satisfying sacrifice for the Lord.
This doctrine is the best bit of the Bible. The one we must fight for. One of the first 'hills to die on', as Mark Driscoll said. His first 'hill to die on' is the Bible but i guess this is much the same. I don't think you can clearly and literally read the Bible and come away without the doctrine of propitiation. In Leviticus 16:15 Aaron is told to kill the goat that is the sin offering for the people. He's told to kill it, to shed it's blood. This is how our holy and righteous God feels about sin. Sin deserves death, the shedding of blood. This goat was to be killed for the sins of the people, because sin deserves death. Again though, how can a goat be killed for the sins of men? Surely only a man can die for the sins of men? On the day of atonement the High Priest had to first kill a goat for his own sins before he could move onto dealing with the sins of the people...so even the one doing the killing had to deal with himself first. Jesus was killed for the sins of the people, fulfilling the picture given on the day of atonement. He was sinless, so didn't have to deal with His own sin first. He brought with him no sin offering, he was High Preist and sacrifice all rolled into one. He bore the whole weight of God's right, holy, measure, justified wrath against sin on His shoulders. He died under the weight of that sin. He fulfilled the picture of the day of atonement. The day of atonement had to happen every year...Jesus' death was once for all time, we will never have to kill another goat, never have to suffer the penalty of our sins, never have to face the wrath of God. Jesus has taken is all. He bore it all, and died under it all. Now we only need to believe...what a small price to pay.
Jesus really was the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world, He removed it from us, and bore its penalty. What a sufficient work. What an awesome God!
Friday, November 24, 2006
The all sufficiency of Christ (1)
Christ's penal substitutionary death on the cross achieved many, many, many great things. Everything good we see in the world in fact. Every lovely sunset, every good moment with our friends, every answered prayer, every spiritual blessing...it all comes from the cross. Jesus' work was all satusfying, all encompassing, and all sufficient.
Romans 8:22-23 talks about how creation is waiting eagerly for Christ's return, for the final completion of His work that He has started, for the end of the victory that He has won. Just like we do. Creation groans like we groan. Creation waits like we wait. Creation suffers as we suffer. God created Eden perfectly. It was a place so perfect, so paradisical that we can't really get our heads around it. It was better than anything we can really comprehend. It was perfect. Just like our vocabulary won't let us talk about Christ in the terms He deserves, so it won't let us talk about the perfection of God's creation as we should. But it was great, and created to be great.
So why is that how it is today? With earthquakes and tidal waves and electrical storms and whirlwinds. No. Thats not what God created the world for, not how it was meant to be. So God's lost control right? He gambled and the cards fell against Him...thats right isn't it? No. The disintegration of Eden starts more or less as soon as Adam and Eve disobey God and ate the apple. They were sentanced to toil on the Earth for their work, something they never had to do before the Fall (toil, not work). Nature and man were suddenly turned against eachother. Adams and Eve needed clothing after the Fall...so presumably animals were killed to provide them. Sin + nature = disaster. And this is where we are. Jesus promises that there will be earthquakes but that this will not the the end, just the beginning of the birth pains.
Birth pains is something that takes us back to Romans 8:22-23. We're told that creation groans as if in the pains of childbirth...as we wait for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. So as our bodies will be redeemed, and we'll get new ones...so creation will be redeemed and there will be a new Heaven and new Earth.
How do our bodies get redeemed? By our faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. By His death and ressurection. So i guess thats how creation gets redeemed, by the work of the cross. How wonderful the cross was. How right is D.A Carson when he describes it as 'the brightest and darkest of nights'. How sufficient is Christ's work that it not only deals with man and God's great seperation, but also with all the side effects of that, as seen in the fall of creation. One day, one day Christians will be in the perfect new creation, which will more real than we can know now, where we will enjoy Christ forever. How awesome the work of the cross. Sometimes i just sit and wonder at how God has thought of everything, and i know that sounds trite, but He really has!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
On a more positive note, RUCU houseparty was really really good. Great teaching and fellowship and fort building, and people seemed to be helped by my seminar, which was nice. I was going to put that up here, but now...it's lost forever in the ether (except my hard copy). God is teaching me loads about His soveriegnty, and His glory and how important those things are, and how important He is and how all sufficient and all encompassing the work of Jesus is. So thats good. Also, i've got something very exciting to write about soon, it's just a matter of getting it out of my head into my fingers! But i like it being in my head, so its all good.
Anyway, i need to go and watch Rico Tice walk through a dimly lit room of photos and tell us what grace is. How good is my job?
Friday, November 17, 2006
every planet i visit is dead
Also, i know its five past midday and thats not exactly sleeping time...but i got up at eight (Roots breakfasts with Phil are worth it mind you) and the chance to sleep at Reading CUs houseparty this weekend will be, i think, limited.
This morning was looking at Philippians 2:14-29...do all things without grumbling or complaining. Top advice from Paul there. Am i grumbling? I don't think so. I love my job and the chance to get people excited about Jesus, so it's ok. It's just a bit discouraging when you lie down tired and the sweet kiss of sleep evades you. Nevermind.
I'm very excited about going to Reading's Houseparty this weekend. I'm doing a seminar on sunday morning on how to give you testimony, which i did a while back at UniS Houseparty...so that'll be cool. It'll be a real humbling privaledge to be back among those guys, some of my best friends. It's such an honour to go back there and serve those guys. I am excited!
I should go and do some things before i leave...
Monday, November 13, 2006
shock the world
What is the cross to you? What position does it hold in your life? Where does it stand in your list of important world events? The Cross, where the Son of God died has to have a central part in our lives, because it is the central point of world history. Nothing is more is more important than the identity of Jesus and our reaction to that. Nothing. The biggest problem in the world is not famine, or global warming, or terrorism...it's mans seperation from God. The Cross divides history, it divides men. It's either foolishness or power. Either the greatest peace and relief, or the greatest offence. But its the wisdom of God for salavation. It's how God chose to reconcile Himself to man. It's the blazing centre of our faith. Christ chose the cross to glorify His Father and save us, if we ignore God's wisdom, we will have little defence.
What is our message? What do people know us by? What is the first thing people think about then they think of us? Is it the cross? What do people want? Jews demanded a signs, Greeks demanded wisdom...both of them scorned the cross. God calls us to live and speak for Him. We need to preach Christ crucified, we need to remember Christ is the power and the wisdom of God for salvation. We need to persist and believe in this power. Paul was in Corinth for a year and a half before he saw anyone saved. A year and a half preaching the same 'foolish' message without any discernable results...do we have that persistance today?
What do we boast in? Our exam results? The school we went to? The Uni we're at? Our job? Our gifts? If you're a Christian, it's because God chose you, so you have no reason to boast. God chose and works through you. The last breath i took i stole from Jesus. When we realise that God is infinately more valuable than we ever dreamed, and we are less worthy of Him than we ever feared we are liberated from all boasting. Nothing else matters around the cross. It's faith or not. There is no hierachy at Calvary. It's all...ALL because of Christ and Him crucified. We must make this the basis of all our boasting.
Where is our confidence? Paul was an apostle and had a great ministry, and yet in verse two he decided not to rely on his experience or his calling or clever arguments...but simply on Christ. He came with weakness. He had no wisdom. He had no persuasive arguments. His message was 'not plausible' according to the world's standards...and yet he demonstrated the Spirit's wisdom and power. And this was all for God's glory and man's benefit as it meant that the new Corinthian Christians depended on God, and not on man. Verse two calls us to be monomaniacs. Mandy posted on how its ok to be completly obsessed with Jesus...this is what we must resolve, in our evangelism and growth and living. To know nothing apart from Christ crucified. That is the centre of Christianity, it must be at the centre of us.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Remembrance Sunday
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the Sun, and in the morning
We will remember them.
Remembrance sunday always deeply affects me, to the extent that this morning i was pretty much already in tears befiore the service stsrted, and ended it by gasping my way through 'i vow the thee my country'. I was at my mums Anglican church in Lacey Green this morning, as my Grandad was laying the wreath...he conceeded to wearing his Royal Marines tie, but modesty kept him from wearing his medals, of which there are many. It was lovely in many ways....i went with a lot of bad thoughs toward the place in my heart, which was wrong. We sung some great Wesleyan hymns, and Norman did mention the cross as he preached, although i doubt he enthroned Christ in the hearts of many as he did, it was thoughtfull and comforting. Though even as i type i'm asking whether those things are primary when someone preaches. I think not. Anyway, i liked it, it was a nice place to be this morning. And i enjoy the communional aspect of so much of a traditional service, like reading from the prayer book, and Communion itself, and those mats they give you to save your knees when you pray.
So i'm not sure why this day leaves me so affected. Maybe because of my time in the ATC (unlikely, i started going because of a girl and then stopped going two years later because of a girl...quelle surprise, plus ca chance mai non?), maybe because of the way that the self sacrificial death of so many points to the Cross in some way...i'd like to think it's that, but it's probably not. Maybe it is. Anyway, this morning i went to a church that is different in mostly every way to what i like, and used to and choose...and still met with the Living God...thats pretty cool.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Glory Days
It started on wednesday with something of an epic trip down to Exeter (it took us an hour to clear Reading), and then Marcus Honeysett, took us through three sessions on how to respond, interact and defend our faith in a post modern society (those weren't the actual titles, thats just what i picked up from it!). It was very cool, and great to be taken through such a relevant topic by someone who so clearly and passionately knows his stuff. I'll post some thoughts on here soonish if i ever get the time...unlikely then!
Then thursday was all about praying for ourselves, our CU's, praising God for what He's doing all over the south. Particular high lights for me was hearing of the potential starting of four new CUs in Cornwall, and the success of Exeter's Mission week. Great times. Then...we all went to the beach together which was amazing, and very needed! It's a shame me Bish and Carolina don't have a 'beach patch', but i guess it helps us to appreciate days like yesterday all the more...Also, if you were on the end of a very smug text from me on thursday afternoon you'll be pleased to hear my phone died soon after. I'm currently using my sisters 4 year old nokia. *retro*. Then we watched 'The Game' which was an good film...could have had a better ending mind.
Friday started with Team times, which essentially meant the SE people all got together round a table and spent half an hour sorting our our diaries and persuading Kath to let me, Jess and Carolina do our elective responses together (we're only thinking of you dude)...then Gareth took us through 1 Corinthians 1:1-7, reminding us of how our ministry and our indentity must be rooted in Christ...nothing else will do. Then we ended with an extended time of prayer for our Regions.
If you're thinking about doing Relay next year, you really got to have an amazing reason no to do it. Even if just for times like these where the fellowship, support, prayer, praise and understanding was just off the map.
Just 365 style things since this is going to be a crossover post;
'we've waited too long for a staffworker in Cantab to lose him in the first term'
Gareth watching as Olly waded a stream and then made as if to climb a sheer rock face.
'i'll tell you what i've told all my other Relays...buy. some. shoes'
Bish upon seeing the hole in my red high tops.
'it's such an honour to meet Dave Bish from The Blue Fish Project'
Jim got very excited (not for the first time) meeting Bish.
'the thing that worries me most about the SW team is their low view of Neighbours'
Me on the differences between the two teams...
Also, it was just amazing to be away with every one for a while, a chance to wallow in the glory of the Gospel, and charge up for the next three weeks, which between housepartys, conferances, court appearances, prep, supervisions, birthday partys and study responses promise to be manic.
Monday, November 06, 2006
i've been to portugal and spain...a glass can only spill what it contains
The happiness of living free from this present evil age.
The wonder of grace.
The awesomeness (it's a word now) of God in creation.
The excitement of fellowship and baptisms.
The silliness of forgetting these things!
'open wide my door'
Thursday, November 02, 2006
there are places that aren't here
Peter stepped from the ship to the sea
there was hope for Job like a cut down tree,
I hope that there's such hope for me
dust be on my mind's conceptions
and anything I thought I knew
each word of my lips' description,
and on all that I compare to You
[the preference of the sun was
to the south side of the farm
I planted to the north in a terra-cotta pot
blind as I'd become, I used to wonder where you are-
these days I can't find where you're not!]
mine's been a yard carefully surgace level tended
foxes burrowed underground
my gardening so highly self-recommended,
what could I have done but let you down?
the sun and the moon,
I want to see both worlds as One!
mine's been a vivid story, dimly remembered
and by the hundredth time it's told, halfway true
of bad behavior well engendered
what good is each good thing we think we do?
[find a friend and stay close and with a melting heart
tell them whatever you're most ashamed of-
our parents have made so many mistakes,
but may we forgive them and forgive ourselves]
the sun and the moon are my Father's eyes (x1,000)
'The sun and the moon', by mewithoutyou, taken from the album 'Brother, Sister'
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
whole in the earth
Anyway, back to my point. Places like North Korea needs the Gospel. Yeh, everywhere needs the Gospel, but especially places like North Korea where there is, i would guess no sustainable, indigenous witness at all to the Gospel. Just none. Generations of people living and dying and going to Hell, never getting the chance to hear of Jesus. As i was reading the article my heart ached for the people out there who seem, in human terms at least beyond reaching. Even if missionaries do start to have an impact out there, how will they convice people that they are not just a foriegn conspiracy, how will they get them to give up their alliegance to the 'Eternal President', Kim-Il-Sung who died in 1994, and is the closest thing to a deity that Stalinist Theology will allow.
Well, because while going and sowing is our work, our commission, saving is God's work. Romans 9 is probably one of my favourite chapters in the Bible...certainly the one that makes me happy that i am Reformed the most. God effects salvation through the grace of election. 'He will have mercy upon whom He will have mercy (Rom 9:15). Now obviously in V16 we see the huge ground for humilty for us, but i think V15 gives us huge encouragements in the mission field. If it were up to us, if it were up to human exertion, surely no one in Korea, or Libya, or Yeman or Saudi would be saved. And yet because of Matthew 24:14 and Revelation 7:9, we can be sure there are. Why? Because God will save whom God will save. It's as simple as that. Did you know there are more Christians in China than there are in North America? Isn't that amazing? So we can, i think, be sure, that there are members of the elect in places like North Korea. We just need to get out there and find them.
And obviously this is no easy task. Which is why prayer is so vital. As Hudson Taylor's parents prayed that their son would go to China, and Jesus commanded His disciples to pray for workers in the fields. So we must pray. God has used the British education system to get people from all over the world here, so it's possible that he will use either that to bring North Koreans to British Unis (unlikely) or, that He would use the increasing number of Chinese and European business investment into the country to bring Christians into North Korea. Also, there must be missionaries in Korea at the moment, according to Open Doors there are around 9000 Protestants and 4000 Catholics there, so lets pray for them, and for those that are in prison for the Name.
Open Doors Persecution Info
Doing Missions When Dying is Gain
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Martin's gone to change the world
The Word.
The Bible is the most important thing we have to help us to persevere as Christians. Where else are we to find a book that is God breathed? Where else are we to find a book that contains such good news? Nowhere? Where else are we to find a book that is useful for teaching and correction and rebuke? That tells us of our Savior? Nowhere. Lose the Word, and soon you're probably going to lose the virgin birth or the resurection or the bodily crucifixtion...lose those and you've lost Jesus. Lose Jesus, and you'll waste your life. The Reformation called people back to the Word of God, to a literal interpretation of it. The Reformation today calls people to live by every word the Lord speaks and to humbly submit to it. There is nothing more important than that. What would you rather listen to? Someone using vague 'biblical principle' to illustrate his point, or someone soaked in God's Word, handling it well, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse to enthrone the Lord in our hearts? I know which one i'd choose.
The Cross.
It upsets me to my core that i live in a time where people are denying the all sufficiency of the cross of Christ. I want you to stop reading and say five times, out loud: penal substitution is true and vital...done that? Once more, penal substitution is true and vital. Some people have lost the message of the cross and liken the idea of propitiation to 'cosmic child abuse'. How dare they. How dare they compare and debase the wisdom of God in salvation to the grossest form of perversion there is. Where they rob God of His mighty Holiness. What sort of God do these people worship? Not the One i worship, thats for sure. Luther fought against this loss of Cross focus, which in his day took the form of paying for indulgences at church...salvation by works under another name. If we are to have a big view of God we must have a big view of the Cross and majesterial work and effectiveness. We must kneel at Calvary, staying close to it all our lives. Otherwise arrogance and pride are the results. The Reformation bought us back to the cross, and the Reformed superheroes since have carried on that work.
The Church.
I have been blessed by being part of an amazing church, and it's probably because of that that i have such a passion for local Church. If you are a Christian and you're not committed to one local church...sort it out. Church should be the place where people feel safest of all, where people who have nowhere else to go can feel totally at home, where the lost and the broken can just come and sit, where single mums can bring their kids, where people who have been made to feel socially outcast can feel at home. That is church. People from every conceivable walk of life coming together in breathless gratitude and worship. Not somewhere where people are made to pay for their salvation (financially pay) or where they are made to feel like second class citizens if they can't. Not some sort of upper middle class social club where people dress up, drink coffee and pat eachother on the back. It should be somewhere where people are confronted with God's truth, where people are challenged and loved. Going to and hearing of some churches today, you get the impression that the Reformation was just something that happened to other people. I never want to be part of a church like that. The Reformation, bought us back to a model of church that is biblical, and for that, i am thankful.
The Lord.
Last, but never ever ever ever least ever ever ever, comes the Lord. Through some of the things i've just mentioned, which is in no way an extensive list, people were bought back to the Lord. By His word, His people and His truth, from the Reformation, many were saved. God did not let us slip into something that would condemn and judge us, and for that we should rejoice. He did not judge us by hardening our hearts, He gave us men to point us to the truth. Real life heros. And now, thanks to the work that started 489 years ago and continues the Reformed Tradition today, we have a much bigger, better and clearer view of God than we would have done otherwise. We have an actual view of God, and not some misguided view. We can be justified through faith, and know God through faith. Before the Reformation we were losing sight of these things.
The Reformation was pretty cool...anyone think we kind of need another one?
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Let me give you some background. Near the end of the UnisCU Housparty there was a time for sharing and feedback, and, to cut a fairly long story short, we ended up praying for our committee, which was a great coporate thing to do. Then, rightly or wrongly, i got up and shared some stuff about what an encouragement to me the whole CU at Surrey are, but particulaly how hard it is to be on committee...to be fighting not only your own battles with God, but those of 50-120 others as well. I know thats how i felt when i was on committee. It's hard, and it's draining, and it's burdening. Now, i'm not for a moment complaining about it. Being on committee changed my life and having the 'burden' of other people's battles is something i want my whole life...thats what i saw as i prayed and cried and sang my way to the end of houseparty. But it's hard, and thats why we must pray for our leaders.
Now, its a lot more serious when it comes to church leaders. I can only really talk about CU leadership, but i would imagine its the same principle, just mulitplied more, as the Bible says that church leaders are accountable (note: accountable, not responsible) for the salvation of their church members. Now, goodness me, what a thing to carry around. What a burden. What a joy to have, but what a burden to have. I remember sometimes after CU committee meetings i'd just want to go home and sulk for a bit (hooray for friends taking me to Kebabish and telling me the Gospel!) because of the decisions some people in CU made, decisions that were hurting themselves...i can only imagine that it must be much much more real for people leading a church.
I remarked today at church how great it was to have people from two churches and UCCF looking after and out for me, to know that they're praying for me and that i can turn to them with anything. But thats more battles they are fighting, and more strength they need. So i need to pray for them. I need to pray for Bish, and Sean and Scott and Craig and Boggles, that they would persevere in the faith, be worthy of their calling, get their strength from God and cherish their time in the Bible...cos i know thats what they're praying for me...
Friday, October 27, 2006
In and [out]
And now, after a shower, and sourcing some clean clothes/food, i'm off to Virginia Water for the UniS CU weekend away. Which i'm really looking forward to. Winchester was cool, but it'll be great to see all the Surrey guys in a bit.
*one more day on the floor, worth it all the more*
[out x2]
Monday, October 23, 2006

It was during Reading's mission week in 2005 that The Lord hit me in the stomach and told me to do Relay. It's probably understandable then that i'm pretty excited about going to Winchester this week to help out with their Mission Week.
Please pray for me, and Carolina and Jo as we help out the guys at Winchester CU. Pray that we would know nothing but Christ and Him crucified while we're there, that we'd get our strength and our joy from Christ alone, that we'd be eaten up with a passion for Him there, that we would be worthy of Christ has called us to there, and that we'd do all we do for the sake of the Gospel.
I am pumped. I just need to pack/print my talk off/watch Neighbours/get the right busses and trains.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
- Got up at 0430 to make an early morning prayer meeting in RDG. woo!
- Finished my prep for Houseparty and Winchester Mission
- Got excited about the end of Phillipians 1
- Managed to fix the Freeview box
- Had a great time doing teas and coffees outside the union...including talking to a guy about why pluralism is intellectually unsound and why i'm a young earth creation guy.
- Stood and applauded(metaphorically) as Gemma looked after a guy who spend half an hour being sick. Got all warm inside watching Phil and Charlie walk him home *this is what we do*
- Went to bed 22.5 hours after getting up
- Dreamt about Bish being a stand up comedian...wondered whether that was worse than dreaming about Relay 2
- realised my 365 was out of order but also that i wasn't bothered.
- Got excited that Anna had blogged...then sad that is was short and that she was essentially excited about Christmas in the middle of summer.
- looked at photos of old football grounds
- started thinking of ways to get to 'Together for the Gospel 2008'
- decided it was time to get up.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
since you've been gone
From the Facebook protests to articles in The Times, there has been controversy over the plans of Edinburgh University CU to run the PURE course. The aforementioned article is a poor piece of journalism...having done PURE i'm not sure it claims to 'cure' homosexuality. The point of PURE is to help Christians (that is CHRISTIANS the course is not evangelistic, unbelievers can live how they want) pursue holiness, as we are called to do, though Gospel focused living...as Bish points out, thats the only way to do it. I found it helpful and continue to find it helpful. It's a sad reflection of society when one group can force it's views on another without much effort. I am pleased to hear that Edinburg will still be running PURE. Well done brothers.
On page 11 of today's Daily Telegraph, an article that runs to barely two hundred and fifty words talks about Exeter University CU being removed from their Guild. Now, most of my time involved with CUs has been with one that isn't part of the Students Union anyway, so i'm probably not in the best place to comment. Exeter CU were forced to change their name to 'Evangelical CU' on the basis of the complaint of one person, and that was only the start of it. It appears from the Telegraph article that the final straw for the CU was refusing to stop using the DB...particulaly asking their speakers to sign it.
Now, i love the truth in the DB...i would go to the stake for most of it. And i think running PURE is a brilliant thing for CUs to do, so a hearty well done to EdUCU and ExUCU. Also, those who want to live a Godly life, as these two CUs clearly do, will be persecuted. In Acts the early believers rejoiced that they had been counted worthy to suffer for the Name. And i hope people in Edinburgh and Exeter are doing just that. It's an honour to stand shoulder to shoulder with people like this in a broad Christian sense and in a particular UCCF sense. We can expect this sort of persecution to increase in frequency and harshness, as long as we keep standing on the rock of the Gospel.
So lets pray for Edinburgh and Exeter, pray that they would continue to live and speak for Jesus, pray that they would be an awesome witness to non Christians during this time, and that first and foremost, they would continue to focus on Jesus, and stick to the Gospel.
Update: From the Exeter CU website
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The ambition of sin
Sin has ambition. Sin wants to kill you. And if not kill you then certainly limit your spiritual life in terms of zeal, joy and fruit. Sin has ambition.
Anger isn't happy being anger...anger wants to be murder.
Greed isn't happy being greed...greed wants to oppression of everything else apart from the collection of stuff.
Avarice isn't happy being avarice...avarice wants to be theft.
Lust isn't happy being lust...lust wants to be...i don't know. Sex? Perversion? A hundred sick things i don't want to mention.
Sin wants to kill us. Its an agent from the Devil. This is a battle we must fight every day, by grace and faith or we'll either die, or at the very least, have no joy or progress in our faith.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
On legalism
Legalism, in the case of the Galatian Christians, the question of circumcision, speaks volumes about human arrogance. Among all the socio-political reasons that the Galatian Judaisers had to try and convince the new converts to follow the law of Moses, one the reasons had its root in arrogance. They thought that just by 'doing things' they could sanctify themselves, or even justify themselves. Isn't that self sufficiency gone made? That we're so caught up in ourselves, as were these guys, that we reckon that we don't need anything outside of ourselves to sort ourselves out. Now, thats not very eloquent, but isn't it true nonetheless? Isn't that also the root of all our legalism today? 'Yeh i'm a sinner and yeh the cross and yeh whatever, but what i really need to do is go and read my Bible for half an hour', and sure, we should read our Bibles, but thats not going to get us anywhere in itself is it? Think about it...it's absurd to think that things that we do can have any effect on our state before a God who had to kill His own Son to solve the problem. We can't do anything apart from have faith, and that's a gift. So lets stop trying!
How small is your God?
If we think that 'doing things' is going to improve our standing with God, we're forgetting two things. 1. For goodness sake Galatians, for goodness sake us now right here, 'it is finished' the cross has done it, here we now stand, imputed with perfect righteousness...wearing a wrist band isn't going to improve on that is it? I mean, thats common sense isn't it? God is huge, and magnificent and more holy than we can conceive of. I want, i need, a big God to worship, and man, i've got one. And we all do. The more we're filled with a vision of the glory of God, the more we'll be changed. So, lets not try and have a God who is impressed or moved by reading things or doing things or saying things. Lets have the Father, who is impressed with the Son, the Son who has done all that needs doing to bring us back to the Father. Lets have that awesome God, and lets rely on Him totally for all we need.
John Owen.