Sunday, February 17, 2008

Seven (cos there's nothing new under the sun)

1) Today is Rachel and mine's six month aniverary. As someone helpfully pointed out, there's not been much actual going out in that time, but never mind! I'm thankful to God for giving me a woman with a heart after Him, a heart for mission and the church, and who's more excited about systematic theology than celebrity gossip.

2) Bumping into Tom Price in Mondial on friday afternoon. 'This is how they drink it in europe'

3) Seeing ice on my windscreen from inside my car on several mornings this week. Ice from the underneath is surprisingly beautiful.

4) Carl Truman on the Reformation from Clear, easy to understand, grounded, Christ exalting history. It makes my ears happy!

5) Steve Nicols on the Reformation. 'How a Monk and a mallet changed the world'. Learning about Zwingli and reflecting that anyone who starts a theological revolution by holding a sausage supper is clearly worth getting to know.

6) Standing between Tim and Nick in church this morning, being inspired and thrilled by their passion.

7) Off in a couple of hours to the RUCU mission launch... I'm very excited...

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