Monday, February 04, 2008

Fresh publicity

I wrote last week sometime about the new book 'Fresh' by Krish Kandiah. Here are what some people have said about it:

“As fresh as its title, this is a brilliant introduction to student life, in accessible, daily bite-size chunks of Christian wisdom.
Down to earth and thoroughly realistic, its focus is 100% Biblical and its tone positive and up-beat, full of practical tips and encouragement.

Every Christian student needs to read it!”

David Jackman (Proclamation Trust)

"After years as a student followed by more in ministry to students I am now a parent of one - so, from every angle I can tell you this is a vital book for all Christians going to uni. Buy the coffee mugs and railcard if you like - but whatever you buy, get this book"

Nick Pollard (Damaris Trust)

It'll be launched in March 2008.

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