Saturday, September 23, 2006

Motion City

Yesterday, Ed had the day off. So he went exploring. The roads were very wet (actually flooded) and he blundered his way around south east Surrey, and into west Sussex, through some lovely villages, into a cricket ground, down to Horsham, and back via some leafy quiet woods. It was great. He listened to a lot of Radio 1, read some cool books, and took some photos...He doesn't know why he's writing this in the third person by the way.


Anonymous said...

Great to see pictures of the rural, countryfied, slower pace of life that is my homeland Sussex. Glad to see you're putting your day off to good use... mine is being spent in my room (where a lot of this week has been spent) ...must think of more imaginative uses of my day off!
Looking forward to more updates from you of Relay life down South.

Katyloup said...

ur writing in 3rd person because the CU presentation was in 3rd person and you are trying to imitate it..but you can never be that cool