Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Goodbye to all that

Last exec meeting tonight. We had both the outgoing and incoming committees together for the main body of the meeting, which meant i had to squeeze 17 people into my living room...which was not easy. The the incoming guys left, and well all wrote on the plates that Annie and Karen had bought...solid stone things that we wrote on with paint...it was top. So many laughs and fun times recalled (Who IS the other Roger by the way Hev?) as we wrote messages on eachothers plates.
These are nostalgic times, remembering the fun, the laughter, the problems, struggles and the hard times we've come through with Jesus at our side, enjoying the fellowship He's given us. It seems funny getting upset about it, we're going to see eachother again on thrusday! And yet we've all had a year of unity that we'll always share. I count the 8 others on Committee as some of my closest friends. I love them all. And i'm going to miss committee...the people...the times we shared. But i know that there's more ahead. More challenges, more problems, more good times and more lives. But that i've learnt and enjoyed this year probably more than any other, and that's due in no small part to my brothers and sisters on Committee. I'll never forget them.
All i can do now is Praise Jesus for the times we shared, and for all He gave us. Thanks gus...thank you Jesus. It rocked.

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