Monday, May 05, 2008


1) Seven non Christians at Alpha on tuesday. The partnership that God has given me and Chigbo in just a couple of weeks. The feeling of brotherhood we have already.

2) Spending time in Hebrews 12. It making me want to drag my heart and eyes towards Jesus more and more.

3) Freedom in Christ. A hard course, but such a worthwhile one.

4) Lunch outside with the parentels

5) Team life. Not just in the office but on Sunday as SUPA team, AV/PA team and musicians come together for one intense hour.

6) Spending time with my Grandad. Looking round his garden, talking about his walks, and then going into his house and seeing, glory of glories, an open and well thumbed Bible on the table. God answers prayers.

7) By the end of the week, i'll be going to bed in North Carolina.

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