Saturday, January 03, 2009

God of the mundane

Paul Tripp said, at last years DG conference: if God doesn't rule your mundane, He doesn't rule you, because that's where you live.

How right he is. Not many of us live at the level of making life and death faith decisions every day. Not many of us are called to refute heresy, or lovingly fight error from the church in a public setting. We live in the mundane, and God must our King as we decide in the mundane.

If God doesn't rule what i eat, is He really my God?
If God doesn't rule what i watch, is He really my God?
If God doesn't rule where i browse, is He really my God?
If God doesn't rule my talk with my friends and family, is He really my God?
If God doesn't rule my day to day, and year to year planning, is He really my God?

It's so much easier to imagine ourselves in the non mundane. 'i'd never deny my faith,' 'i'd never sell out the underground church if i was put in prison.' But would we put our joy in more hours of play rather than closer commusion with Christ, would we go out drinking on a saturday night and end up fuzzy headed at church in the morning?

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